Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Butterflies, Butterflies, Everywhere Butterflies

Have you noticed that this year we have more butterflies than years gone past?


This is something I have noticed - Is it just me?

I have a strong affection for the butterfly.  My dear sweet Mamma would point them out to me as a youngster.  She would tell me stories of how they taste with their feet and we would watch them float on the breeze from one beautiful flower to another.

As I have gotten older I continue to watch butterflies and even have an annual membership to the Butterfly Conservatory in Niagara.  I have spent many a cold wintery day enjoying the tropical temperatures and friendly companionship in the conservatory there and in Cambridge.


Recently I was thrilled to find this "creature" featured below and took a picture of with my Iphone.  This fellow was quite to sit on the warm bricks and sun himself.  My questions for you - Is it a moth or is it a butterfly? If it is a moth - what am I missing out on - can a moth really be this beautiful?

So if you are feeling stressed, overworked, underappreciated, or just tense - might I suggest taking 10 mintues find yourself a grassy field or a beautiful flower garden and watch the butterflies as they flit from petal to blade and admire their beauty and breathe deeply the air they use to travel.  They know not to travel against the wind but to work with it and beautiful things will happen.

Enjoy your spring!

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