Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hugs and Kisses - two of my favourite things in life!

For those of you who do not know me or do not know me well - I am one of those touchy feely people. If you are family or close friends you are greeted with a hug and kiss. You cannot leave my house without the same.

So when my customers oblige me I LOVE it!! I shot a wedding a couple weeks ago and it was so nice because not only were Trish and Kris huggie and kissie - so were many of their guests. So this blog is dedicated to all the hugging and kissing that happened on their amazing day!

Trish is feeling the love!

Thanks for letting us use your great car kiss!

Sisterly love!

Daddy getting the love:)

Simple prop - hidden kisses

Getting some mom love!

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