Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Butterflies, Butterflies, Everywhere Butterflies

Have you noticed that this year we have more butterflies than years gone past?


This is something I have noticed - Is it just me?

I have a strong affection for the butterfly.  My dear sweet Mamma would point them out to me as a youngster.  She would tell me stories of how they taste with their feet and we would watch them float on the breeze from one beautiful flower to another.

As I have gotten older I continue to watch butterflies and even have an annual membership to the Butterfly Conservatory in Niagara.  I have spent many a cold wintery day enjoying the tropical temperatures and friendly companionship in the conservatory there and in Cambridge.


Recently I was thrilled to find this "creature" featured below and took a picture of with my Iphone.  This fellow was quite to sit on the warm bricks and sun himself.  My questions for you - Is it a moth or is it a butterfly? If it is a moth - what am I missing out on - can a moth really be this beautiful?

So if you are feeling stressed, overworked, underappreciated, or just tense - might I suggest taking 10 mintues find yourself a grassy field or a beautiful flower garden and watch the butterflies as they flit from petal to blade and admire their beauty and breathe deeply the air they use to travel.  They know not to travel against the wind but to work with it and beautiful things will happen.

Enjoy your spring!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hugs and Kisses - two of my favourite things in life!

For those of you who do not know me or do not know me well - I am one of those touchy feely people. If you are family or close friends you are greeted with a hug and kiss. You cannot leave my house without the same.

So when my customers oblige me I LOVE it!! I shot a wedding a couple weeks ago and it was so nice because not only were Trish and Kris huggie and kissie - so were many of their guests. So this blog is dedicated to all the hugging and kissing that happened on their amazing day!

Trish is feeling the love!

Thanks for letting us use your great car kiss!

Sisterly love!

Daddy getting the love:)

Simple prop - hidden kisses

Getting some mom love!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Goga Maternity Shots

Cheryl and Marius were married last year in October and I was honoured to be a part of their amazing day! They called me a few weeks ago and asked if I would do their maternity shots.......Would I!!! Of Course!!!

Liam is going to be such a lucky boy - two wonderful loving parents and two big brothers!

They are such a wonderful couple!!

Cheryl is such a beautiful lady - and looks amazing pregnant:)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Angels instead of Rapture

Angels arrived at our door instead of the rapture that was predicted.

Paul and I took our RV to Sibbald point. Enroute we had some issues - at first I thought we had caught fire. It smelt horrible and smoke was coming from our wheel well. We let things cool and tried to take off again - this time our RV sounded like a tank. We still had 22 kms to go. What to do. It is 9:00pm and Paul decided to continue and look for a repair location tomorrow. As we drove we past Nicholson Truck and Coach and Paul said we should stop by there tomorrow. As he drove past I noticed the lights were still on and the bay doors were open. Paul turned around and we went in. Matthew and Brent, two young guys, were there working on some other vehicles. They jumped under the RV and assessed the issue. They did not have the appropriate part but were able to fix the RV so we could get on our way. After close to 45 minutes labour from both the guys - they would not accept payment!! They said we had a rough start already and just to go and enjoy our camping. Paul tried giving each of them money and neither would take it. Just incredible generosity from two young men!!! Our angels!!

This set the tone for the weekend. We were fortunate to have an amazing campsite, Trillums blooming everywhere, a masked bandit who stayed up a tree long enough for him to bare his fangs at me before running down the tree and away, and mutated dandelions that looked like glow pods at dusk.

Our angels ensured that our weekend was one of heaven on earth. Thanks again Matthew and Brent and Nicholson Truck and Coach!!! Thank you for renewing our faith in mankind, before mother nature renewed our energy for life!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Whether it is life or objects, patterns fascinate me.

Change can be challenging. Why I wonder? Really, what is change other than a pattern we are accustomed to being altered. At this time in my life, when I am approaching another change, I wonder more about what new patterns I will observe and which ones will entice me to move in another direction.

As in photography, patterns are intriguing. Patterns of colours, outlines of shapes, blueprints of lines, and dances of light.

I decided to go through some of my photos and pick out a couple that illustrate some patterns that have moved me to capture them.

The first photo is a pattern that caught my interest at a friends home on a piece of pottery. I loved the colours, the randomness of the design and the way the light played with the colours.

The second photo is of our Christmas tree. It was leaning up against our deck after being disrobed following the holidays. Waiting for its final celebration - the tree burning bonfire. I just loved how the snow clung to some areas and yet left others so barren.

If you have patterns in your life you are discovering or have enjoyed, I would love to hear about them:)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I'm Back :) Ok I never really left

Ok well after speaking to someone recently and spurring them on to create a blog, I felt very guilty for having created a blog and never using it.

I created this blog to share my photographs with people and to chat photography. Instead my blog has been a virtual dust collector.

I intend to remedy that now.

I plan on posting some of my favourite photos at least once a quarter. I know that doesn't sound like much but at least this way I can achieve realistic goals. Between my website and Facebook, I want to make sure I have time for what I really enjoy doing. Taking the actual photographs:)

The picture here is from a wedding I did on 1.1.11. Such a great couple, loads of fun with them!! I created some coffee table books for them and this is part of the email from them.

"...the books-we recieved them today and they are capital B- Beautiful!! Thank you for the extra print, it's lovely and was very thoughtful.

We're doing very well and are so happy with our pictures- we've received tons of compliments on them!!:)

Thanks so much again!

Candice and Aaron"

So very nice to hear when people are pleased with their photos!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Who is SAP Photography?

Hello There

Thank you for checking out SAP Photography blog :)

Who Am I? I am Sylvia Paurys, a person who has been working in the non profit sector for over 15 years providing hands on support to people. I love working with people and assisting in making them happy. I have been doing photography as a hobby for about 10 years and after recently getting married I have decided there really should be "financially accessible" photography. My mission is to offer my services to real people at affordable prices.

I have taken some photography courses and continue to upgrade my skills annually.

If you are getting married, having a baby, wanting a personalized greeting card or any other special occasion that you may want to have some pictures taken I would be thrilled to help you out.

One special promotion I am offering right now is for the recently betrothed. If you are getting married in next year and have set the date, SAP Photography will do your Engagement shots for FREE!! All we ask is proof that the wedding date has been set.

The idea, if SAP Photography does your engagement shots and you like the work , you may give us the privilege of taking the photographs on your special day.
NO STRINGS ATTACHED. You are not required to chose us as your photographers but if you do all the better :)

If you are interested in finding out more about us feel free to visit our website at http://www.sapphotography.ca/

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Sylvia Paurys